- Promotion manager record company
- Founder/chairman Muziekstichting Noord-Holland
- Organizer pop concerts (gjb-producties)
- Reporter/editor/photographer newspapers, magazines
- Development, editing and presentation local television
- Correspondent/reporter/editor national radio and television
- Guest lecturer police schools and police academy
- Composer/lecturer education for journalism
- Actor (the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium)
- Development tv-formats, scenarios
- Director television, corporate films, commercials
- Shareholder local tv-station/text-tv
- Shareholder publishing company/production company InfoServices
- Advisor local tv-station (RTV Alkmaar)
- Founder/managing director press agency (Bak & Bakker Journalisten)
- Founder/managing director media-consultancy agency (MediaSupport)
- CEO/shareholder several international tv-companies (FilmPartners Group)
- Managing Director/shareholder international media-software company (SoftwareVision BV)
Most companies sold/discontinued
- Duinrand Beheer BV
- gjbmedia™
- mediathriller™
- Mediacollege Amsterdam
* gastcolleges
* begeleiding examenopdrachten
* workshop verborgen camera
- Memberships:
* NVJ (Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten)
* DJV (Deutscher Journalisten-Verband)
* IFJ (International Federation of Journalists)